Cosmetic Procedure Aboard has gone wrong!

Irish people travelling abroad to avail of cheaper costs of surgical cosmetic procedures has been the subject matter of much press coverage in recent years, with the press particularly taken by the savings which can be achieved versus the costs of privately funding such procedures in this jurisdiction.

The website noted that traffic through the website had recorded that the Czech Republic, Poland, Belgium and Britain are the medical tourism hotspots for Irish medical tourists – “the number of Irish enquiries to foreign clinics through for cosmetic surgery has increased by 54% over the past year from 1,450 queries in 2013 compared to 942 queries in 2012.

It is probable that the findings of the individual website are reflective of a growing trend whereby increasing numbers of Irish patients are travelling to seek cheaper elective, primarily cosmetic, medical and dental surgeries abroad.
This has given rise regrettably to an increase in the number of people who are unhappy with the outcome and nature of the surgeries performed and wishing to bring actions to recover damages.

If you, or someone you know, has been affected by surgical cosmetic procedures abroad, we strongly recommend you get immediate impartial, independent legal advice from an experienced claims solicitor by calling Gary Matthews Solicitors directly on 01 903 6250, or by logging onto our website and completing the online enquiry form below.

Enquiry Form
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