Man loses €60,000 personal injury case against Dublin’s Merrion Inn (via Irish Times)

Michael Ryan (67), from Booterstown, uses crutches to walk and alleged that he slipped on wet tiles in pub’s accessible toilet

A Dublin man, who uses crutches to walk, has lost a €60,000 personal injuries claim against the owners of Dublin’s Merrion Inn over a fall in the pub’s accessible toilet.

Michael Ryan (67), of Trimleston Park, Booterstown, told the Circuit Civil Court that “following a very good meal and two pints of Heineken” he went to the toilet while waiting for a taxi to arrive. He said his left crutch slipped on the tiled floor and he fell and was knocked unconscious.

Mr Ryan told barrister Gráinne Larkin, counsel for Cormak Limited, the owner of the inn, that he had no memory of why he fell but that “the floor under the hand dryer had to be wet”.

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