Are you being scammed by your insurance company?

Don’t let your insurance company use “replica car parts”.

After an accident, some insurance companies are using replica car parts, without notifying policyholders, in an attempt to keep the cost of the repair bills down. The potential savings can be substantial. A replica wing for a Volkswagen Golf costs about £40. A wing made by Volkswagen will set the insurance company back about £136. A Mercedes Benz C Class wing will cost just over £300, a replica around £100. More importantly there is a difference in the build quality of replica parts. They are lighter and have a shorter lifespan than original parts!

This practice of using replica car parts is being implemented by the insurers “approved repairers” who are acting on the insurers instructions and not in your best interests! After an accident you have the right to get your vehicle fixed at the repairer of your choice and you can insist on them using original parts.

To ensure that this happens, contact us immediately after your accident on 01 903 6250 or by completing our on line enquiry form at

Our team are experienced Solicitors in dealing with car accident claims and guiding you through the car repair process.

 Complete the Enquiry Form below & a member of our team will get back to you. 

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